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Order a company kit for your LLC, corporation, or other entity

We offer company kits, also called company outfits, for every type of business entity. The same elements listed below are also accessible through the navigation menu options above.

Company kit for a Limited Liability Company (LLC, PLLC)

The limited liability company kit comes in a sleek black three-ring binder and dust-proof slipcase with the company's name emblazoned in gold on the spine. Kits are 100% compliant with the Texas Business Organizations Code (TBOC). Order a company kit

Company kit for a Corporation (regular, close, professional, non-profit)

The corporate kit comes in a sleek black three-ring binder and dust-proof slipcase with the company's name emblazoned in gold on the spine. Kits are 100% compliant with the Texas Business Organizations Code (TBOC). The non-profit corporate kits include no share certificates or transfer ledger. Order a corporate kit

Company kit for a Limited Partnership (LP), Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), or Professional Association (PA)

The company outfit for an LP, LLP, or PA consists of a sleek three-ring binder and enclosing slipcase in matching black vinyl plus a heavy-duty handheld embossing seal in its own black vinyl pouch, customized with the company's name, which is also emblazed in gold on the spine of the binder. Order a binder, slipcase, and seal